
Ignaz Bendl (1682-1730)

"Ignaz Bendl (or Ignác Bendl, or Ignaz-Johann Bendl) (? - c.1730) was a Bohemian painter, sculptor, medalist and ivory engraver, who worked mainly in Vienna and Brno.
There is almost nothing known about his life. According to Grove´s Dictionary of Art, he was born, perhaps as the son of Johann-Georg Bendl, in Pfarrkirchen. There are two towns called Pfarrkirchen in Upper Austria, therefore it is undecided which one it might have been. There is no date of birth. He died circa 1730, but again no mention where." - (Wikipedia (en) 30.07.2018)

"Ignaz Bendl (or Ignác Bendl, or Ignaz-Johann Bendl) (? - c.1730) was a Bohemian painter, sculptor, medalist, and ivory engraver, who worked mainly in Vienna and Brno.

There is almost nothing known about his life. According to Grove's Dictionary of Art, he was born, perhaps as the son of Johann-Georg Bendl, in Pfarrkirchen. There are two towns called Pfarrkirchen in Upper Austria, therefore it is undecided which one it might have been. There is no date of birth. He died circa 1730, but again no mention where.

Remaining works:

twelve ivory reliefs (only one signed by him) of classical gods and heroes (1684)" - (Wikipedia (en) 10.08.2021)

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